
Saturday, 9 July 2011

Hush Street Art in Progress

Some years ago I would emphatically stated that don't like graffitti, my hard line approach towards this illegal activity has always been entrenched with the punishment of hard labour and re-education. My views were somewhat softened after I  travelled by rail to Barcelona some 15 years ago. When I encountered professional quality street art, or to be specific "rail art."Unknown artists had accessed a rail yard and created, quality "art". "Art"...using this three letter word to such an activity  was a struggle for me.

Since those days I will admit that I have completely mellowed to exceptionally good street art, especially if its location is appropriate. I have seen some self promoting advertising that has elements that I like, but I waver a little as to its location. If you are a regular shopper to London you may well recognise this establishment.

I am often amused by the antics of the street artist Banksy, especially over his political statement well his collection of rats I suppose he is the pied piper in reverse, he is leaving them all over the place.
Thankfully I was introduced to another street artist  Hush... who doesn't hide his identity, and artistically, I find his work near the top of this street genre. Because like it or not, it is a genre, sometimes with a heavy price to pay for those that are caught by the authorities.
"Twin", feels to me has the essence of Klimt.Technically a brilliant piece of art.I love talented artists like Hush, and they can bring art to communities, free at the point of delivery. The work is more than a conversation piece, it has belonging, action and influence to the audience.

"Twin" can be found at the New Image Art Gallery in West Hollywood, so if you are in the neighbourhood I think it will be worth while taking a close look at the technique which Hush as used to construct his art.
(photo copyright Todd Mazer)

Links of Interest
Banksy Wall and Piece

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Free Marketing Resources For Artists

Marketing is in my opinion the last thing an artist thinks about. For me it was a natural as painting itself, as my background has been involved in running several businesses outside of the art field. But you can never stop learning and sometimes it can be frustrating as what resources are best. Well, there is no need to re invent the wheel, because Mark McGuinness at Lateral Action has already done a lot of the foot slogging work for you.

First of all, I love the fact that it is FREE. I too, like you may feel a little  sceptical, and wonder where the catch is, well apart from enjoying the wealth of information Mark has given me there hasn't been a catch.Yes, he may well at some time announce a book or a course, but I will probably will buy his book, as I have found his work to be reliable, readable and I have gained many benefits that I can use in my own art career.

His collection is truly a library, and I for one don't read it all through at once. I have saved all his work, I am now building a treasured archive on how to improve my artistic life. Well what do you get? You get a weekly email with an ebook every week for six months. I thought at first, well it will be OK for the first week and then the promise will drop off the end of the world never to be seen or heard of again. Wrong....I have just received week 8 of Mark McGuiness's instalments, and it is jammed solid with info...but I'm getting a little head of myself again, lets look at what to expect on week one.
First of all you will receive Marks introduction to the course, plus an outline of the areas which he is going to cover:

  • creativity
  • productivity
  • career paths
  • networking
  • marketing
  • sales
  • managing money
  • intellectual property
  • motivation
  • communication and influence
  • collaboration
  • managing others
As you can see, each of these topics are substantial areas in themselves. These ebooks are for the  benefit of all artists, not just painters, so if you are a poet or a juggler, or a graphic designer they are for you as well.
From his first ebook Lesson 1: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow up? Mark asks searching questions about you and what being a creative is all about. He is like your own personal career advisor sitting on your shoulder. A sage, allowing you to build a progressive picture of what you are now, and what you need to achieve to get to your ideal place. I have have seen some marketing guru's in the UK that would charge ££££$$$$ for this information.

Reader to sign up to Creative Pathfinder . Not yet, need some more information. What's in it for me?...Absolutely nothing. I do not personally know Mr Mark, and I don't receive any financial benefits or any other benefits in kind. But if he ever publishes a book I might ask him for a copy to review it here on Art On...

Lesson #2: Why You Need to Make Yourself Indispensable. This is a saying that I use regularly to my daughter . She has used the information I acquired from Mark about being indispensable and she has seen favourable results! Thanks Mark.

Lesson #3: So What Exactly Is Creativity?
Lesson #4: How to Be (More) Creative
Lesson #5 Creative Roundup
Lesson #6: How to Handle a Creative Block (When You’re Supposed to Be the Creative Pro)
Lesson #7: Ordered Chaos - Productivity for Creative People
Lesson #8: Three ways to Earn a Living from Your creativity

I have received lesson 8 today, and as with the other lessons it contains a lot of good information. Yes, there are a link or two to Amazon books, but you will find them on most blogs, you will even find them here on my site as well. In my case the money made stays with Amazon as I use it to purchase art books which I will review here...that is if you buy anything!

Well, that is a little taster of what will come in your email box from Mark McGuiness of Lateral You may not need all of the information if you are making a six figure income from your art...but there are many artists out here that need all the help that they can get. I'm sure there is not a lot of marketing done on the BA fine art courses at Universities, so here is a freebie worth getting your hands on...I do love freebies, good ones anyway.If you here of any more really useful freebies that would benefit the art community please let me know.

The pictures displayed here belong to one of many of my favourite Impressionist's, Gustave Caillebotte. I like to add images to my articles based on how I feel, and today it is Gustave. His work which inspires me most of all is his "Jour de pluie à Paris", It is full of feeling, and brings back memories of my happy days spent in Paris.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Warning: You may want your children to become Creative

This is a must watch video for all future generations, I couldn't have wished for greater champion to start this new blog. For Ken Robinson eloquently puts into words the thoughts that I have had for many years. He wants us to stop squandering our children's skills and nurture them for the good of humanity. Just listen:

So should we allow our children to start making mistakes and grow our children into creativity? I was fortunate in that I home schooled my youngest daughter, so she didn't have the prescriptive education that I believe is so lacking in the UK. Is she different, yes; and definitely for the better.

Let's start an art revolution and let art become more valued and to those children who cannot express themselves with words the opportunity to communicate with a pencil, painting brush or musical instrument. Let us find time to allow the children to practice everyday.We might achieve a better life for our children, and we may even see some better artists.