
Saturday, 9 July 2011

Hush Street Art in Progress

Some years ago I would emphatically stated that don't like graffitti, my hard line approach towards this illegal activity has always been entrenched with the punishment of hard labour and re-education. My views were somewhat softened after I  travelled by rail to Barcelona some 15 years ago. When I encountered professional quality street art, or to be specific "rail art."Unknown artists had accessed a rail yard and created, quality "art". "Art"...using this three letter word to such an activity  was a struggle for me.

Since those days I will admit that I have completely mellowed to exceptionally good street art, especially if its location is appropriate. I have seen some self promoting advertising that has elements that I like, but I waver a little as to its location. If you are a regular shopper to London you may well recognise this establishment.

I am often amused by the antics of the street artist Banksy, especially over his political statement well his collection of rats I suppose he is the pied piper in reverse, he is leaving them all over the place.
Thankfully I was introduced to another street artist  Hush... who doesn't hide his identity, and artistically, I find his work near the top of this street genre. Because like it or not, it is a genre, sometimes with a heavy price to pay for those that are caught by the authorities.
"Twin", feels to me has the essence of Klimt.Technically a brilliant piece of art.I love talented artists like Hush, and they can bring art to communities, free at the point of delivery. The work is more than a conversation piece, it has belonging, action and influence to the audience.

"Twin" can be found at the New Image Art Gallery in West Hollywood, so if you are in the neighbourhood I think it will be worth while taking a close look at the technique which Hush as used to construct his art.
(photo copyright Todd Mazer)

Links of Interest
Banksy Wall and Piece

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